3D image of a flea, 1.4 micron voxel size |
3D image of limestone, 1.0 micron voxel size |
Human thumb with blood vessels delienated, 14.4 micron voxel size
(speciment courtesy of Brion Bennninger, MD MSc., Professor of Medical Innovation, Technology & Research, Medical Anatomy Center - COMP-Northwest, WesternU)
3D distribution of biofilm in glass bead packing, 10.5 micron voxel size. |
Helical scan of sandstone core, 36mm x 8.5mm, 5μm voxel size |
3D movie of stick insect, 35 micron voxel size |
3D image of 2 mm Berea sandstone, 0.9 micron voxel size |
Bubble distribution in East Pacific Rise glass imaged at 10.8 micron voxel size. |
Distribution of connected (blue) and disconnected (yellowish-green) water-air interfaces in glass bead pack, 3.2 micron voxel size. Color shading represents interfacial curvature. |
3D movie of a skull, 48 micron voxel size |